Płaj 35 – Abstracts

Andrzej Ruszczak
The adventures of Stanisław Vincenz and Jerzy Stempowski at the Hungarian border, 1939-1940
A reconstruction of three attempts to cross the border between occupied Poland and Hungary by two Polish writers in autumn 1939 and spring 1940, based on the dispersed, partially unpublished memoirs.
Andrzej Ruszczak
The correspondence of Stanisław Vincenz and Marijka Mogoruk
Letters that Stanislaw Vincenz has received from his former Hutzul neighbour in the sixties (20th cent.) translated and commented.
Stanisław Vincenz
On the Hutzul time (Memoirs and reflections)
Reflections of the specific Hutzul sense of time. Reprinted from magazine „Pion” (1936).
Michał Kaczmarek
Tracing Stanisław Vincenz in the Hutzul land and outside or the intimate journey through mountains, literature and some other places
An extensive memoirs from the contemporary journey to the places connected with the life and work of St. Vincenz.
Dariusz Dyląg
Vincenz or the need for the new mythology
An essay seeking for the affinities between the St. Vincenz’ Hutzul epos and similar epic works.
Andrzej Wielocha
Petro Szekeryk-Donykiw. Not quite full biography
An outline of biography of the Hutzul political activist, journalist and writer, in the interwar period deputy to the Polish Parliament.
Petro Szekeryk-Donykiw
Grandpa’s Ivanchyk flojera; Oleksy the witch doctor
Two literary sketches based on the Hutzul folklore, first published in original in 2007, over sixty years after author’s death.
Andrzej Ruszczak, Patrice M. Dabrowski
Piotr Kontny, the forgotten explorer of the Hutzul land
A brief essay on the forgotten historian, journalist and social activist from the interwar period.
Piotr Kontny
The Goths, the Hutzuls and… the King Augustus III
A criticism of the incompetent research of the regional history. Reprinted from weekly “Bunt Młodych” (1936).
Jan M. Wiśniewski
Dobosz by Bielowski and by Fedkowycz
A discussion of the two poems, Polish and Ukrainian, both dealing with the famous Carpathian robber, Oleksa Dobosz, accompanied with the poems’ texts (the Ukrainian one in Polish transcription and translation).
The marking of the Polish-Romanian border
The press material from 1929, describing the process of the demarcation of the Polish-Romanian border, commented by the editor.
Christian Senechal
A trip through Poland
The unpublished memoirs of the French literary scholar from his tour around the Hutzul Land in 1936 with St. Vincenz.
Lidio Cipriani
An Italian scholar on the Hutzuls
A translation of a couple of essays from the interwar period dealing with the Hutzul folk culture, written by a well known Italian anthropologist.
Karolina Kwiecień
The Hutzul way of celebrations
A brief essay on the former and contemporary Hutzul attitude to the holidays and other celebrations.
Patrice M. Dabrowski
“Discovering” of Galician borderland: the Hutzul case
A short essay on two ethnographical exhibitions — Polish and Ukrainian — that took place in Kołomyja in 1880 and contributed to the popularization of Hutzul land.
